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Back of Japan podcast #1: All The Way Back to Koshi

All The Way Back to Koshi

In our first episode, we dig up the origins of the Back: the land of Koshi, which includes modern-day Niigata, Fukui and Toyama prefectures. EDITOR NOTE: (as it's the first episode, please...take the speedy pace, lack of self-awareness and general mood of ther episode with a massive grain of salt - Thanks! Josh)

We find references in the the Kojiki (712 AD) the Nihon Shoki (720 AD)
and the Izumo no Kuni Fudoki (733 AD). Also, big unpronounceable names

Izanakino-no-mikoto - primordial male deity associated with Japan's creation story

Izanamino-no-mikoto - primordial female deity associated with Japan's creation story

Ōkuninushi (Yachihoko-no-Kami) - the god of agriculture and champion of t Yamata no Orochi

Princess Nunakawahime - goddess of jade from Koshi, modern-day Niigata prefecture

Yatsukamizu Omizunu (Omizunu) - relative of Susano-o, latter ruler of Izumo


Kunibiki Myth:


Princess Nunakawahime: